Friday, November 16, 2007

My Santa Website is UP!

Last night (this morning, technically) I went to and bought the domain name for my new Santa site. I also bought hosting there, and the Website Tonight package, and within a couple hours, had the bare bones of a new website open to the public. Please come check me out at and let me know what you think. Notice that under Info & Contact, you'll find my calendar of public Santa appearances (private shows aren't listed, of course). I do hope you'll come visit me, bring the young'uns, and let's have some fun.

I have nothing but nice to say about GoDaddy in general, and Dino the support guy in particular. I've owned the domains and via GoDaddy for a couple years now and haven't done anything with them, but my experience last night could change that pretty soon.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Secret Oil-grab Revealed

Here's a little gem from revealing a (deliberately) little-known maneuver by our (deservedly) unpopular White House.

PS, some of you may remember me saying in 2003 that Iraq was not "all about oil", any more than it being all about WMDs (which other, more dangerous nations definitely had) or oppressive regime (which other, easier-to-conquer nations also definitely had and have). Of course, the oil and its machinery is of huge interest to Bush's employers (major campaign contributors in the oil and oil equipment industries) and puppetmasters (let's see, who owns a lot of stock in Halliburton?) who apparently still write a lot of our foreign policy, but it's obviously oversimplifying to say the war is "all about oil".

I still believe, and I'm believing it more each day, that Iraq was intended to be a forward base for American military power to keep a thumb on Iran if not invade them directly. That would be an absolutely idiotic and nationally suicidal move that I sincerely pray Dubya will not be persuaded to attempt. But then, it was idiotic and nearly-suicidal to pull troops out of Afghanistan to start a fight in Iraq to begin with, and he doesn't seem to be a fast learner... This could all get much worse, much more easily than getting better.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Santa Transformer

The transformation is complete! As those who've seen me over the last year know, I've been growing hair and beard (at an alarming rate, according to some - maybe because I'm so full of fertilizer) to prepare for a role as Santa Claus. On Nov. 1st I got the final bleach-out, removing the last of my dark hairs. So, diggest thou this poor-quality home snapshot, and imagine how great it really looks (pro photos coming soon). Please mentally add the fat pad and white gloves I forgot to put on.

Now I've got the top-shelf Santa outfit, I've been educated at the intense Santa Claus Academy, I've gotten my shots, and now sport the very best natural hair & beard money can buy. I'm good to go for Christmas, and I'm eager to accept bookings.