Thursday, August 23, 2001

I'm Hosting the Wednesday Jams at Darwin's!

Well, this is something! Forrest McDonald, the acclaimed guitarist who has been hosting the Tuesday night jams at Darwin's, has decided to retire as a musician. He's asked me to take over his Tuesday night spot at Darwin's. (Note: shortly after I sent this email, Forrest called to tell me that despite what I thought I remembered him saying, he did not want to retire, and wanted me to send out a retraction, which I did. Indeed he has played many shows since then - GP)

So, I'll be the regular host at a well-run, friendly little club that has rapidly risen to become one of the best big-city blues clubs in the USA, according to a national blues publication. And you don't even have to go to a congested, expensive, or seedy part of town. Darwin's is in Marietta, on 120, 1 mile east of El Pollo Grande (the Big Chicken).

If you haven't been to Darwin's, I highly recommend you give it a try. Especially on Tuesdays. I'll be bringing in some of the best talent in Atlanta (and visiting talent too) and we're gonna have a great time making great music.

I can't tell you how great I feel about this honor and opportunity. I've got a great band to work with (Jon Schwenke, John McKnight, Dynamite Dave Parnell, and Lola), and special guests, and a great venue, with good location and good beers and good food, and... it's all good! Please come on out and party with us! We start at 9, and after the first set we begin bringing up the guest artists. If you're a musician, bring your instrument! (Forrest, this means YOU too buddy!)

More info on Darwin's is available at this site:

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