This weekend I'll be playing with Larry Griffith at Doc's in Marietta on Friday and Saturday night, then Sunday at the International Blues Challenge (we're scheduled for 4PM). See links below. This will be my second pass at the IBC, I competed last year as a sideman in another act. I hope you'll all come out to root, hoot & holler; there will be many great acts there, so anytime you come is gonna be a good time just so long as you don't miss us. My compliments to the Atlanta Blues Society for organizing this event, it can't be easy for them. See links below.
The weekly jams at The North End just keep getting better. Carlos Capote of The Breeze Kings (5-time winner of Creative Loafing's annual polls, top-10 finalists at International Blues Challenge, and more) came out 2 weeks ago for the anniversary party, and this week he brought his guitarist Jim Ransone with him. Those guys ripped the roof off the joint! Looking around that night, I realized I had Carlos & Jim, as well as Jon Schwenke (another IBC winner with Delta Moon), a multi-platinum keyboard player (Gates Nichols of Confederate Railroad), another multi-platinum keyboard player (Keith Barnhart, who did Chaka Khan's "I Feel For You" and much more), and many others. People, ya just gotta BE there!
Also getting better is the Wednesday night show with Andrew Black & The Believers at Tavern On The Bridge. Our old friend Tweek has been coming out to perfect the sound, and he does make that big system sound amazing! Come see what four top-notch artists in a great-sounding room can do.
A quick Google on "Sony CD software" reveals LOTS of press on this.
And finally, I was surprised and honored to have my "How To Sound Better At Jams" article chosen by for a front-page feature listing. You can see that and much more of my work at
That's all I have time to tell you at the moment. Stay tuned and I'll see you at the shows!
best wishes,
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